Simple DIY Folding Camping Chair

I am a big fan of hanging out in the outdoors, it could be a simple picnic or a camping adventure. An issue I always run into is finding a comfortable spot to sit...yes in the wild there’s logs, stones or the ground that could serve this purpose it would however be nice to have an easily portable light yet sturdy sitting solution ergo the folding chair (in other circles called the viking chair).

This design of the chair is pretty simple to build and can be accomplished with a single 18 mm of block board, this would give you a set of four chairs for you and yours perfect for your next outdoor adventure.

Supply List:

  • 4’ x 4’ - 18 mm Block boards

  • 1.5” mdf screws

  • Wood paint (optional)

  • Clamps

Cut List:

  • (4) 36” by 1” Boards

Step 1 : Cut out the seat

  • Using the dimensions below cut out the pieces A, We will be using these for the backrest.

Step 2 : Assemble the backrest

  • The backrest is assembled using the cutouts from the seat.
    The way we attach them they not only strengthen the seat but also make it possible to pack and unpack the chair.

Step 3 : Finishing

  • You have a wide range of options when it comes to how you can finish the piece, for our case we went simple and did some sanding and a coat of paint to alternating pieces.

Check out our version of the Folding outdoor chair Build


Simple DIY shoe rack